
flamingpy.utils.viz.draw_EGraph(egraph, backend='matplotlib', **kwargs)[source]

Draw an EGraph using either matplotlib or plotly as backend.

  • egraph (EGraph) – The EGraph to draw.

  • backend (str) – The backend to use, either “matplotlib” or “plotly”.

Keyword Arguments
  • color_nodes (bool or string or dict) –

    Options are: True: color the nodes based on the ‘color’ attribute attached to the node. If unavailable, color nodes black. string: color all nodes with the color specified by the string tuple[str, dict]: color nodes based on attribute and defined colour string by providing a tuple with [attribute, color_dictionary], for example:

    ["state", {"GKP": "b", "p": "r"}]

    will look at the “state” attribute of the node, and colour according to the dictionary.

  • color_edges (bool or string or dict) –

    True: color the edges based on the ‘color’ attribute attached to the node. If unavailable, color nodes grey.

    string: color all edges with the color specified by the stirng

    tuple: color edges based on attribute and defined colour string by providing a tuple with [attribute, color_dictionary], for example: if the edge attribute “weight” can be +1 or -1, the tuple should be of the form:

    ("weight", {-1: minus_color, +1: plus_color})

  • label (NoneType, string or iterable) – plot values next to each node associated with the node attribute label. For example, to plot bit values, set label to “bit_val”. If set to ‘index’, it will plot the integer indices of the nodes. If the attribute for some or all of the nodes, a message will print indicating for how many nodes the attribute has not been set.

  • title (bool) – if True, display the title, depending on the label. For default labels, the titles are converted from attribute name to plane English and capitalized.

  • legend (bool) – if True and color_nodes argument is a tuple(str, dict), display the a color legend with node attributes.

  • show_axes (bool) – if False, turn off the axes.

See draw_EGraph_matplotlib or draw_EGraph_plotly for backend specific keyword arguments.




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