Source code for flamingpy.simulations

# Copyright 2022 Xanadu Quantum Technologies Inc.

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at


# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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"""Monte Carlo simulations for estimating FT thresholds."""

# pylint: disable=wrong-import-position,consider-using-with,unused-import

import argparse
import sys
import warnings
import logging
from ast import literal_eval as l_eval

from datetime import datetime
from time import perf_counter

int_time = int(str(".", ""))"the following seed was used for random number generation: %i", int_time)

    import mpi4py.rc

    mpi4py.rc.threaded = False
    from mpi4py import MPI
except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
    warnings.warn("Failed to import mpi4py libraries.", ImportWarning)

import numpy as np
from numpy.random import default_rng

from import SurfaceCode
from flamingpy.decoders.decoder import correct
from flamingpy.noise import CVLayer, CVMacroLayer, IidNoise

[docs]def ec_mc_trial( code_instance, noise_instance, decoder, weight_opts, rng=default_rng(), ): """Runs a single trial of Monte Carlo simulations of error-correction for the given code, noise model, and decoder.""" noise_instance.apply_noise(rng) result = correct(code=code_instance, decoder=decoder, weight_options=weight_opts) return result
[docs]def ec_monte_carlo( trials, code_instance, noise_instance, decoder, decoder_args, world_comm=None, mpi_rank=0, mpi_size=1, ): """Run Monte Carlo simulations of error-correction for the given code. Given a code object code, a noise parameter delta, and a swap-out probably p_swap, run a number of Monte Carlo simulations equal to trials of the complete error-corection procedure. Args: trials (int): the number of trials. code_instance (code object): the initialized qubit code noise_instance (noise object): the initialized noise layer (CVLayer, CVMacroLayer, or IidNoise) decoder (str): the decoding algorithm ("MWPM" or "UF") decoder_args (dict): arguments for the decoder (such as weight options) world_comm, mpi_rank, mpi_size: arguments for the MPI library. Returns: errors (integer): the number of errors. """ weight_opts = decoder_args["weight_opts"] successes = np.zeros(1) local_successes = np.zeros(1) rng = np.random.default_rng(mpi_rank + int_time) for i in range(trials): if i % mpi_size == mpi_rank: result = ec_mc_trial( code_instance, noise_instance, decoder, weight_opts, rng, ) local_successes[0] += result if "MPI" in globals(): world_comm.Reduce(local_successes, successes, op=MPI.SUM, root=0) else: successes[0] = local_successes[0] errors = int(trials - successes[0]) return errors
[docs]def run_ec_simulation( trials, code, code_args, noise, noise_args, decoder, decoder_args, fname=None ): """Run full Monte Carlo error-correction simulations.""" # time the simulation simulation_start_time = perf_counter() # Instance of the qubit QEC code code_instance = code(**code_args) noise_instance = noise(code_instance, **noise_args) if "MPI" in globals(): world_comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD mpi_size = world_comm.Get_size() mpi_rank = world_comm.Get_rank() else: world_comm = None mpi_size = 1 mpi_rank = 0 errors = ec_monte_carlo( trials, code_instance, noise_instance, decoder, decoder_args, world_comm, mpi_rank, mpi_size, ) simulation_stop_time = perf_counter() if mpi_rank == 0: # Store results in the provided file-path or by default in # a .sims_data directory in the file simulations_results.csv. file_name = fname or "./flamingpy/.sims_data/sims_results.csv" # Create a CSV file if it doesn't already exist. try: file = open(file_name, "x", newline="", encoding="utf8") file.write("code,") for key in code_args: file.write("%s," % (key)) file.write("noise,") for key in noise_args: file.write("%s," % (key)) file.write("decoder,") for key in decoder_args: file.write("%s," % (key)) file.write("errors,trials,current_time,simulation_time,mpi_size\n") # Open the file for appending if it already exists. except FileExistsError: file = open(file_name, "a", newline="", encoding="utf8") # writer = csv.writer(file) file.write("%s," % (code.__name__)) for value in code_args.values(): file.write("%s," % (value)) file.write("%s," % (noise.__name__)) for value in noise_args.values(): file.write("%s," % (value)) file.write("%s," % (decoder)) for key, value in decoder_args.items(): if key == "weight_opts": file.write('"%s",' % (value)) else: file.write("%s," % (value)) current_time ="%H:%M:%S") file.write( "%i,%i,%s,%f,%i\n" % ( errors, trials, current_time, (simulation_stop_time - simulation_start_time), mpi_size, ) ) file.close()
if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) != 1: # Parsing input parameters parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Arguments for Monte Carlo FT simulations.") parser.add_argument("-code", type=str) parser.add_argument("-code_args", type=str) parser.add_argument("-noise", type=str) parser.add_argument("-noise_args", type=str) parser.add_argument("-decoder", type=str) parser.add_argument("-decoder_args", type=str) parser.add_argument("-trials", type=int) args = parser.parse_args() params = { "code": args.code, "code_args": args.code_args, "noise": args.noise, "noise_args": args.noise_args, "decoder": args.decoder, "decoder_args": args.decoder_args, "trials": args.trials, } else: # User can specify values here, if not using command line. params = { "code": "SurfaceCode", "code_args": "{'distance': 3, 'ec': 'primal', 'boundaries': 'open'}", "noise": "CVMacroLayer", "noise_args": "{'delta': 0.09, 'p_swap': 0.25}", "decoder": "MWPM", "decoder_args": "{'weight_opts': {'method': 'blueprint', 'prob_precomputed': True}}", "trials": 100, } # Checking that a valid decoder choice is provided if params["decoder"].lower() in ["unionfind", "uf", "union-find", "union find"]: params["decoder"] = "UF" elif params["decoder"].lower() in ["mwpm", "minimum weight perfect matching"]: params["decoder"] = "MWPM" else: raise ValueError(f"Decoder {params['decoder']} is either invalid or not yet implemented.") args = { "trials": params["trials"], "code": getattr(sys.modules[__name__], params["code"]), "code_args": l_eval(params["code_args"]), "noise": getattr(sys.modules[__name__], params["noise"]), "noise_args": l_eval(params["noise_args"]), "decoder": params["decoder"], "decoder_args": l_eval(params["decoder_args"]), } run_ec_simulation(**args)




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