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"""Continuous-variable noise model classes."""

# pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel

import numpy as np
from numpy.random import default_rng

from import EGraph
from import invert_permutation, SCZ_mat, SCZ_apply, splitter_symp
from import GKP_binner, Z_err_cond

# pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes
[docs]class CVLayer: """A class for applying to a code (or a graph state) a physical layer of continuous-variable noise. Associates the nodes of an EGraph with continuous-variable quantum states, and its edges with continuous-variable CZ gates. Currently, a hybrid lattice of p-squeezed and GKP+ states is considered. Args: code (SurfaceCode or EGraph): the code object (so that code.graph is an EGraph), or an EGraph directly, to which the noise is applied. delta (float): the quadrature blurring parameter, related to the squeezing of the GKP states and the momentum-quadrature variance of the p-squeezed states. states (dict, optional): the dictionary of all non-GKP states and their indices, of the form {'state': []}. By default, all states are treated as GKP states. p_swap (float, optional): if supplied, the probability of a node being a p-squeezed state. Overrides the indices given in state. sampling_order (str, optional): the scheme for conducting sampling for the homodyne measurements. Options are "initial" and "two-step" translator (func): the choice of binning function for converting homodyne outcomes to bit values; by default, the standard GKP binner that snaps to the closest integer multiple of sqrt(pi). rng (numpy.random.Generator, optional): a random number generator following the NumPy API. It can be seeded for reproducibility. By default, numpy.random.default_rng is used without a fixed seed. Attributes: egraph (EGraph): the underlying graph representation. delta (float): the delta from the Args above. p_swap (float): the swap-out probability from the Args above. states (dict): states along with their indices. _N (int): the number of qubits in the lattice. _to_points (dict): the index-to-coordinate dictionary, taken from egraph. _adj (sp.sparse.csr_matrix): the adjacency matrix of egraph _sampling_order (str): sampling order from above. _translator (func): the translator from above. _perfect_inds (list or NoneType): the indices of qubits to treat as ideal. """ def __init__(self, code, *, delta, **kwargs): # Point to the EGraph (if supplied directly) or to code.egraph (if not). if isinstance(code, EGraph): self.egraph = code else: self.code = code self.egraph = code.graph # Set some egraph properties to attributes of self. # (Note: self._adj also generates indices in the EGraph) self._adj = self.egraph.adj_generator(sparse=True) self._N = len(self.egraph) self._to_points = self.egraph.to_points # Get indices of nodes we wish to designate as ideal. perfect_points = self.egraph.graph.get("perfect_points") if perfect_points is None: self._perfect_inds = None else: self._perfect_inds = [self.egraph.to_indices[point] for point in perfect_points] supplied_states = kwargs.get("states") # Set some noise model parameters. = delta self.p_swap = kwargs.get("p_swap") self.states = supplied_states or {"p": np.empty(0, dtype=int)} self._sampling_order = kwargs.get("sampling_order") or "initial" self._translator = kwargs.get("translator") or GKP_binner if self.p_swap is not None and supplied_states is not None: if len(supplied_states["p"]): message = ( "Both the swap-out probability and indices of p-squeezed states " "have been supplied. Please only specify one of those." ) raise Exception(message) # Error correction methods
[docs] def apply_noise(self, rng=default_rng()): """Apply cv-level noise to the graph state. Identify the nodes of the EGraph with CV states, measure the syndrome assuming the specified noise model, and convert the simulated homodyne outcomes to bit values. This method modifies the attributes of self.egraph. """ self.populate_states(rng=rng) self.measure_syndrome(rng=rng) self.inner_decoder()
[docs] def populate_states(self, rng=default_rng()): """Populate the graph state with state labels. Assume the graph states consists of a combination of squeezed states and GKP+ states. A non-zero self.p_swap overrides indices specified in self.states and uses a binomial distribution to identify some indices as p-squeezed states. This method modifies self.egraph. """ # Generate indices of squeezed states based on swap-out # probability self.p_swap, if supplied. if self.p_swap: self._generate_squeezed_indices(rng) # Associate remaining indices with GKP states. self._generate_gkp_indices() # Give the EGraph nodes state attributes. self._apply_state_labels()
[docs] def measure_syndrome(self, rng=default_rng()): """Measure the syndrome for memory-mode error correction of the grpah states.""" return self.measure_hom(quad="p", inds=self.code.all_syndrome_inds, rng=rng)
[docs] def inner_decoder(self): """Convert homodyne outcomes to bit values according to translator. This is the inner (CV) decoder, a.k.a. translator, a.k.a binning function. Set converted values to the bit_val attribute for nodes in self.egraph. This method modifies self.egraph. """ for point in self.code.all_syndrome_coords: hom_val = self.code.graph.nodes[point]["hom_val_p"] bit_val = self._translator([hom_val])[0] self.code.graph.nodes[point]["bit_val"] = bit_val
# Public CV manipulation methods.
[docs] def measure_hom( self, quad="p", inds=None, updated_means=None, updated_covs=None, propagate=True, rng=default_rng(), ): """Conduct a homodyne measurement of states in the lattice. Simulate a homodyne measurement of quadrature quad of states at indices inds according to sampling order specified by self._sampling_order. If updated_means or updated_covs is supplied, use those instead of the outputs of self._means_sampler and self._covs_sampler, respectively. The 'propagate' option is fed into _means_sampler, if desired. Args: rng (numpy.random.Generator, optional): a random number generator following NumPy API. It can be seeded for reproducibility. By default, numpy.random.default_rng is used without a fixed seed. """ N = self._N if inds is None: inds = range(N) N_inds = len(inds) # Determine which means and covs to use for the probability distribution if updated_means is None: means = self._means_sampler(propagate=propagate, rng=rng) else: if quad == "q": means = updated_means[:N][inds] if quad == "p": means = updated_means[N:][inds] if updated_covs is None: covs = self._covs_sampler(inds=inds) else: if quad == "q": covs = updated_covs[:N][inds] elif quad == "p": covs = updated_covs[N:][inds] # Conduct the sample outcomes = rng.normal(means, covs) # For the initial sampling order, entangle the samples if self._sampling_order == "initial": outcomes = SCZ_apply(self._adj, outcomes) if quad == "q": outcomes = outcomes[:N][inds] elif quad == "p": outcomes = outcomes[N:][inds] # Add the hom_val_{quad} attribute to the relevant nodes of the EGraph. for i in range(N_inds): self.egraph.nodes[self._to_points[inds[i]]]["hom_val_" + quad] = outcomes[i]
[docs] def SCZ(self, sparse=True): """Return the symplectic matrix associated with CZ application.""" adj = self._adj return SCZ_mat(adj, sparse)
# Visualization functions
[docs] def draw(self, **kwargs): """Draw the CV graph state with matplotlib. Use the default colours: gold for GKP states and blue for p-squeezed states. See flamingpy.utils.viz.draw_EGraph for more details. """ color_nodes = kwargs.pop("color_nodes", ("state", {"GKP": "gold", "p": "blue"})) return self.egraph.draw(color_nodes=color_nodes, **kwargs)
[docs] def draw_SCZ(self, **kwargs): """Draw the adjacency matrix of a CV graph state with matplotlib. See flamingpy.utils.viz.plot_mat_heat_map for more details. """ from flamingpy.utils.viz import plot_mat_heat_map return plot_mat_heat_map(self.SCZ(), **kwargs)
# Getters and properties
[docs] def hom_outcomes(self, inds=None, quad="p"): """array: quad-homodyne measurement outcomes for modes inds.""" if inds is None: inds = range(self._N) outcomes = [self.egraph.nodes[self._to_points[i]].get("hom_val_" + quad) for i in inds] return outcomes
[docs] def bit_values(self, inds=None): """array: bit values associated with the p measurement.""" if inds is None: inds = range(self._N) bits = [self.egraph.nodes[self._to_points[i]].get("bit_val") for i in inds] return bits
@property def p_inds(self): """array: the indices of the p-squeezed states.""" return self.states.get("p") @property def gkp_inds(self): """array: the indices of the GKP states.""" return self.states.get("GKP") # Private methods def _apply_state_labels(self): """Add state labels as node attributes to the graph state.""" for psi in self.states: for ind in self.states[psi]: self.egraph.nodes[self._to_points[ind]]["state"] = psi def _covs_sampler(self, inds=None): """Return the covariances for the homodyne measurement sample.""" delta = covs = np.zeros(2 * self._N, dtype=np.float32) if self._sampling_order == "initial": noise_q = {"p": 1 / (2 * delta) ** 0.5, "GKP": (delta / 2) ** 0.5} noise_p = {"p": (delta / 2) ** 0.5, "GKP": (delta / 2) ** 0.5} for state, indices in self.states.items(): if self._perfect_inds: indices = np.array(list(set(indices).difference(self._perfect_inds))) if len(indices) > 0: covs[indices] = noise_q[state] covs[indices + self._N] = noise_p[state] self._init_covs = covs elif self._sampling_order == "two-step": if inds is None: inds = range(self._N) N_inds = len(inds) covs = np.full(N_inds, ( / 2) ** 0.5, dtype=np.float32) if self._perfect_inds: inds_to_0 = set(inds).intersection(self._perfect_inds) ind_arr = np.empty(len(inds_to_0), dtype=np.int64) for i, perfect_ind in enumerate(inds_to_0): ind_arr[i] = (inds == perfect_ind).nonzero()[0][0] covs[ind_arr] = 0 return covs def _generate_gkp_indices(self): """Associate all indices not in self.states with GKP states.""" used_inds = np.empty(0, dtype=int) for psi in self.states: used_inds = np.concatenate([used_inds, self.states[psi]]) remaining_inds = list(set(range(self._N)) - set(used_inds)) self.states["GKP"] = np.array(remaining_inds, dtype=int) def _generate_squeezed_indices(self, rng=default_rng()): """Generate the indices of squeezed states.""" if self.p_swap == 1: self.states["p"] = np.arange(self._N) else: num_p = rng.binomial(self._N, self.p_swap) inds = rng.choice(range(self._N), size=int(np.floor(num_p)), replace=False) self.states["p"] = inds def _means_sampler(self, propagate=False, rng=default_rng()): """Return the means for the homodyne measurement sample. Setting propagate to True applies a symplectic CZ matrix to the means. """ means = np.zeros(2 * self._N, dtype=np.float32) if self._sampling_order == "two-step": def q_val_for_p(n): return rng.random(size=n) * (2 * np.sqrt(np.pi)) def q_val_for_GKP(n): return rng.integers(0, 2, size=n) * np.sqrt(np.pi) val_funcs = {"p": q_val_for_p, "GKP": q_val_for_GKP} for state, indices in self.states.items(): n_inds = len(indices) if n_inds > 0: means[indices] = val_funcs[state](n_inds) self._init_means = means if propagate: means = SCZ_apply(self._adj, means) return means
[docs]class CVMacroLayer(CVLayer): """A class for reducing a macronode CV graph to a canonical graph. Applies noise to self.egraph (assumed a macronode graph), entangles the macronodes, measures the syndrome, and populates the canonical graph reduced_graph with the reduced states, bit values, and error probabilities. In addition to CVLayer args, the following: Args: bs_network (np.array, optional): the sympletic matrix corresponding to the beamsplitter network entangling the macronode. By default, the standard four-splitter. """ def __init__(self, code, *, delta, bs_network=None, **kwargs): # Macronize the code lattice. Pad the boundary (i.e. ensure that all # macronodes have exactly 4 nodes) in the case that the boundaries # are not all-periodic. pad_bool = code.bound_str != "periodic" macro_graph = code.graph.macronize(pad_bool) # Instantiate the CVLayer parent class with the right noise model. super().__init__(macro_graph, delta=delta, sampling_order="two-step", **kwargs) self.reduced_graph = code.graph if bs_network is None: self.bs_network = splitter_symp()
[docs] def apply_noise(self, rng=default_rng()): """Reduce the macronode code lattice to the canonical code lattice. Follow the procedure in arXiv:2104.03241. Take the macronode lattice macro_graph, apply noise, designate micronodes as planets and stars, conduct homodyne measurements, process these measurements, and compute conditional phase error probabilities. This method modifies the node attributes of self.reduced_graph to include effective bit values and phase error probabilities. """ # Sample for the initial state types self.populate_states(rng) # Obtain permuted indices, with stars (central nodes at the front) self._permute_star_inds() # Apply body indices to the macronode graph and effective state labels # to the reduced graph. self._apply_macro_and_reduced_labels() # Apply symplectic matrices corresponding to CZ gates and the # beamsplitter networks. self._entangle_states(rng) # Measure the syndrome, corresponding to memory-mode operaiton. self._measure_syndrome(rng) # Process homodyne outcomes to calculate effective bit values # and phase error probabilities for the reduced nodes. for j in range(0, self._N - 3, 4): self._reduce_jth_macronode(j)
def _apply_macro_and_reduced_labels(self): """Label body indices and types of reduced nodes. In the macronode graph: for each star, associate a 'body_index' of 1, and 2, 3, and 4 for the subsequent planets. In the reduced graph: if a macronode contains at least one GKP state, label the reduced state as 'GKP' (otherwise 'p'). This method modifies self.egraph and self.reduced_graph. """ for i, ind in enumerate(self.permuted_inds): self.egraph.nodes[self._to_points[ind]]["body_index"] = i % 4 + 1 for ind in self.permuted_inds[::4]: point = self._to_points[ind] centre_point = tuple(round(i) for i in point) self.reduced_graph.nodes[centre_point]["state"] = self.egraph.nodes[point]["state"] def _entangle_states(self, rng=default_rng()): """Entangle the states in the macro_graph. Apply CZ gates to (i.e. a symplectic CZ matrix to the quadratures of) self.egraph, based on where the edges are in the graph. Then, apply the four-splitter to each macronode. This method sets the attributes self.permuted_quads to the permuted quadratures and self.quad_permutation to the corresponding permutation vector. """ N = self._N quads = self._means_sampler(propagate=True, rng=rng) # Permute the quadrature values to align with the permuted # indices in order to apply the beamsplitter network. quad_permutation = np.concatenate([self.permuted_inds, N + self.permuted_inds]) permuted_quads = quads[quad_permutation] # The beamsplitter network symp_bs = self.bs_network for i in range(0, N - 3, 4): q_inds = np.array([i, i + 1, i + 2, i + 3]) p_inds = q_inds + N updated_qs = symp_bs[:4, :4] @ permuted_quads[q_inds] updated_ps = symp_bs[4:, 4:] @ permuted_quads[p_inds] permuted_quads[q_inds] = updated_qs permuted_quads[p_inds] = updated_ps self.permuted_quads = permuted_quads self.quad_permutation = quad_permutation def _hom_outcomes(self, vertex): """Measurement outcomes in the macronode containing vertex. Return the values of the homodyne measurements of the macronode containing vertex. Note we are only interested in q-homodyne outcomes; the returned list is of the form [0, 0, q2, q3, q4]. If vertex is None, return a list of 0s, so that the processing is unaltered by the outcomes. """ macro_graph = self.egraph if vertex is None: return [0, 0, 0, 0, 0] meas = np.zeros(5) # The central node corresponding to the neighboring # macronode. central_node = tuple(round(i) for i in vertex) for micro in macro_graph.macro_to_micro[central_node]: index = macro_graph.nodes[micro]["body_index"] # Populate meas with the q-homodyne outcomes for # the planet modes. if index != 1: meas[index] = macro_graph.nodes[micro]["hom_val_q"] return meas def _measure_syndrome(self, rng=default_rng()): """Measure the syndrome of self.egraph. Conduct p-homodyne measurements on the stars (central modes) of self.egraph and q-homodyne measurements to the planets (satellite modes). This effectively conducts an X-basis measurement on the modes of the reduced lattice. This method modifies self.egraph. """ N = self._N unpermuted_quads = self.permuted_quads[invert_permutation(self.quad_permutation)] # Indices of stars and planets. stars = self.permuted_inds[::4] planets = np.delete(self.permuted_inds, np.arange(0, N, 4)) # Update quadrature values after CZ gate application. # Measure stars in p, planets in q. self.measure_hom(quad="p", inds=stars, updated_means=unpermuted_quads, rng=rng) self.measure_hom(quad="q", inds=planets, updated_means=unpermuted_quads, rng=rng) def _neighbor_of_micro_i_macro_j(self, i, j): """Return the neighbor of the ith micronode, jth macronode in self.egraph. Suppose micronode i (in macronode j) is adjacent to a neighbor. Return the vertex (tuple) and the body index of the neighbor to help the subsequent processing rules. If there is no such neighbor, return None. """ macro_graph = self.egraph # Index of ith micronode in the jth macronode. ith_index = self.permuted_inds[j + i - 1] ith_vertex = self._to_points[ith_index] # Vertex of the neighbor of the ith micronode. ith_adjacency = list(macro_graph[ith_vertex]) if ith_adjacency: ith_neighbor = list(macro_graph[ith_vertex])[0] ith_body_index = macro_graph.nodes[ith_neighbor]["body_index"] return ith_neighbor, ith_body_index return None def _permute_star_inds(self): """Obtain permuted indices for the macronode graph with stars in front. For each macronode, permute indices so that the first encountered GKP state comes first, designating it as the 'star' ('central') mode. The first index in the resulting list and every four indices thereafter correspond to star modes. The rest are 'planets' ('satellite' modes). """ inds = np.reshape(np.arange(self._N), (self._N // 4, 4)) self.permuted_inds = np.apply_along_axis( self._permute_gkp_inds_in_macronode, 1, inds ).flatten() def _permute_gkp_inds_in_macronode(self, inds): """Place the indices of GKP states within inds to the front.""" gkps = [self.egraph.nodes[self._to_points[ind]]["state"] == "GKP" for ind in inds] return np.concatenate((inds[gkps], inds[[not ind for ind in gkps]])) def _process_neighboring_outcomes(self, neighbor_hom_vals, neighbor_body_index): """Process homodyne outcomes for a neighboring macronode. Suppose some micronode is connected to a neighboring micronode, i. i has a certain body index and belongs to a macronode with measurement results neighbor_hom_vals. Use this information to process the results (i.e. find appropriate linear combinations of neighbor_hom_vals). """ if neighbor_body_index == 1: return 0 if neighbor_body_index == 2: return neighbor_hom_vals[2] - neighbor_hom_vals[4] if neighbor_body_index == 3: return neighbor_hom_vals[3] - neighbor_hom_vals[4] if neighbor_body_index == 4: return neighbor_hom_vals[2] + neighbor_hom_vals[3] return None def _reduce_jth_macronode(self, j): """Obtain the bit value and error probability for the jth macronode. Process the measurement outcomes of the jth macronode in self.egraph to populate the corresponding reduced node in reduced_graph with a bit value and conditional phase error probability. This method modifies self.reduced_graph. """ macro_graph = self.egraph delta = star_index = self.permuted_inds[j] vertex = self._to_points[star_index] # Here, j corresponds to the macronode and i to to micronode. # i ranges from 1 to 4, to align with manuscript. verts_and_inds = [self._neighbor_of_micro_i_macro_j(i, j) for i in (1, 2, 3, 4)] neighbors = [tup[0] if tup else None for tup in verts_and_inds] body_indices = [tup[1] if tup else None for tup in verts_and_inds] # Array of arrays of measurement outcomes in all the # macronodes adjacent to j. m_arr = np.array([self._hom_outcomes(neighbors[i - 1]) for i in (1, 2, 3, 4)]) # Array of processed q-homodyne outcomes from neighboring # macronodes of the form [0, Z(1), Z(2), Z(3), Z(4)]. Z_arr = np.array( [0] + [ self._process_neighboring_outcomes(m_arr[i - 1], body_indices[i - 1]) for i in (1, 2, 3, 4) ] ) # p-homodyne outcome of the star node. star_p_val = macro_graph.nodes[vertex]["hom_val_p"] # Types of state for the four micronodes directly neighboring # macronode j. types = [ macro_graph.nodes[neighbor]["state"] if neighbor else None for neighbor in neighbors ] # Phase error probability and number of p-squeezed states # among the four micronodes in the vicinity of macronode j p_err = 0 num_p = 0 outcome = 2 * star_p_val gkp_inds = [] for i in (1, 2, 3, 4): if types[i - 1] == "p": num_p += 1 outcome -= Z_arr[i] if types[i - 1] == "GKP": if delta > 0: p_err += Z_err_cond(2 * delta, Z_arr[i], use_hom_val=True) gkp_inds += [i] if delta > 0: p_err += Z_err_cond(2 * (2 + num_p) * delta, outcome, use_hom_val=True) p_err = min(p_err, 0.5) p_err = max(p_err, 0) bitp = GKP_binner([outcome])[0] bitq = GKP_binner(Z_arr[gkp_inds].astype(np.float64)) if gkp_inds else 0 processed_bit_val = (bitp + np.sum(bitq)) % 2 # Update the reduced RHG lattice with the effective # homodyne value and the phase error probability. central_vert = tuple(round(i) for i in vertex) self.reduced_graph.nodes[central_vert]["bit_val"] = processed_bit_val self.reduced_graph.nodes[central_vert]["p_phase_cond"] = p_err




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