Source code for flamingpy.decoders.decoder

# Copyright 2022 Xanadu Quantum Technologies Inc.

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# You may obtain a copy of the License at


# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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"""Decoding and recovery functions."""

# pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel,too-many-statements

import sys
import numpy as np

from import Z_err_cond

from flamingpy.decoders.mwpm import mwpm_decoder
from flamingpy.decoders.unionfind import uf_decoder

# Smallest and largest numbers representable.
smallest_number = sys.float_info.min
largest_number = sys.float_info.max

[docs]def assign_weights(code, decoder, **kwargs): """Assign weights, reflecting error probabilities, to qubits in code. Args: code (SurfaceCode): the qubit QEC code decoder (str): the decoder used method (str, optional): the method for weight assignment. By default, 'uniform', denoting equal weights everywhere. For heuristic and analog weight assignment from Xanadu's blueprint, use 'blueprint' (compatible with the MWPM decoder). integer (bool, optional): whether to convert weights to integers using Python's round function; False by default multiplier (int, optional): multiply the weight by multiplier before rounding; 1 by default delta (float, optional): the CV noise parameter. Returns: None """ default_options = {"method": "uniform", "integer": False, "multiplier": 1} weight_options = {**default_options, **kwargs} G = code.graph # Get the set of qubits that are used for parity check measurements. qubit_coords = set(code.all_syndrome_coords) # Blueprint weight assignment or weighted-union-find weight assignment # dependent on the type of neighbours. if weight_options.get("method") == "blueprint": if decoder == "MWPM": for node in qubit_coords: neighbors = G[node] # Obtain the list and the number of p-squeezed states in # the neighborhood of the node. p_list = [G.nodes[v]["state"] for v in neighbors if G.nodes[v]["state"] == "p"] p_count = len(p_list) if p_count in (0, 1): if weight_options.get("prob_precomputed"): err_prob = G.nodes[node]["p_phase_cond"] else: delta_effective = (len(neighbors) + 1) * weight_options.get("delta") hom_val = G.nodes[node]["hom_val_p"] err_prob = Z_err_cond(delta_effective, hom_val) # Allow for taking log of 0. err_prob = min(err_prob, 0.5) # TODO: Can I just choose an arbitrary small number? if err_prob == 0: err_prob = smallest_number if weight_options.get("integer"): multiplier = weight_options.get("multiplier") weight = round(-multiplier * np.log(err_prob)) else: weight = -np.log(err_prob) G.nodes[node]["weight"] = weight else: # Dictionary of the form number of swapouts: error probability. weight_dict = {2: 1 / 4, 3: 1 / 3, 4: 2 / 5} err_prob = weight_dict[p_count] if weight_options.get("integer"): multiplier = weight_options.get("multiplier") weight = round(-multiplier * np.log(err_prob)) else: weight = -np.log(err_prob) G.nodes[node]["weight"] = weight elif decoder == "UF": raise Exception("Incompatible decoder & weight options combination.") # Naive weight assignment, unity weights. elif weight_options.get("method") == "uniform": if decoder == "UF": # Weight assignment for Union-Find decoder for node in qubit_coords: neighbors = G[node] # List and number of p-squeezed states in neighborhood of node. p_count = 0 for neighbor in neighbors: state_name = G.nodes[neighbor].get("state") if state_name == "p": p_count += 1 if p_count in (0, 1): # We consider weight-2 edges as we need half edges G.nodes[node]["weight"] = 2 else: # These edges correspond to the erased edges fed toUnion-Find G.nodes[node]["weight"] = -1 else: for node in qubit_coords: G.nodes[node]["weight"] = 1 # Also assign the weights to the stabilizer graph edges. for ec in getattr(code, f"{ec}_stab_graph").assign_weights(code)
[docs]def recovery(qubits_to_flip, code, ec, sanity_check=False): """Run recovery operations based on code based on qubits_to_flip. Fip the bit values of all the vertices in qubits_to_flip. If sanity_check is True, verify that there are no odd-parity cubes remaining, or display their indices of there are. Args: qubits_to_flip (iterable): the set of nodes of the code EGraph whose bit values oughtto be flipped code (SurfaceCode): the qubit QEC code ec (string): the error complex ('primal' or 'dual') sanity_check (bool): if True, check if the recovery has succeeded and print a message. Returns: None """ for qubit in qubits_to_flip: code.graph.nodes[qubit]["bit_val"] ^= 1 if sanity_check: stab_graph = getattr(code, ec + "_stab_graph") odd_cubes = list(stab_graph.odd_parity_stabilizers()) if odd_cubes: print("Unsatisfied " + ec + " stabilizers:", odd_cubes) else: print(ec.capitalize() + " recovery succeeded - no unsatisfied stabilizers.")
[docs]def check_correction(code, sanity_check=False): """Check whether the error correction has succeded or failed. Verify that no logical operator has been applied at the end of the recovery. This is achieved by checking that the total parity on the appropriate correlation or gauge surface(s) is even. Such as surface consists of the set of all syndrome qubits (of the kind in, in a plane of the correct kind ("primal" or "dual") along a specified direction. For all-periodic boundaries, total parities of planes along all three directions are compared. For open boundaries, a plane parallel to the primal or dual spatial (x or y) boundary (if the error complex is primal or dual, respectively) is checked. In every case, the first plane along the specified direction of the right type is checked (although this doesn't matter for the following reason). Since a logical operator cuts through a set of parallel planes at a single point per plane, we expect parities along all parallel planes to be the same: this is the idea behind sanity_check. Args: code (SurfaceCode): the qubit QEC code. At the stage this functions is run, the recovery has already been applied, so that code.graph represents the error-corrected graph state. sanity_check (bool): if True, display the total parity of all parallel correlation surfaces to verify if parity is conserved. Returns: list or (list, list): a list of bools indicating whether error correction succeeded for each complex. If sanity_check is set to True, also output a dictionary between planes and results of the parallel-plane-parity sanity check. """ dims = np.array(code.dims) dir_dict = {"x": 0, "y": 1, "z": 2} if sanity_check: print() ec_checks = [] truth_dicts = [] for ec in planes_to_check = [] truth_dict = {"x": [], "y": [], "z": []} if code.bound_str == "periodic": planes_to_check = ["x", "y", "z"] elif code.bound_str in ["periodic_primal", "periodic_dual"]: # toric code planes_to_check = ["x", "y"] elif code.bound_str.startswith("open"): # planar code planes_to_check = ["x"] if ec == "primal" else ["y"] minimum = 0 if ec == "primal" else 1 for plane_str in planes_to_check: maximum = 2 * dims[dir_dict[plane_str]] if sanity_check else minimum + 2 for sheet in range(minimum, maximum, 2): slice_verts = code.graph.slice_coords(plane_str, sheet) syndrome_verts = getattr(code, ec + "_syndrome_coords") only_syndrome = set(slice_verts) & set(syndrome_verts) parity = 0 for node in only_syndrome: parity ^= code.graph.nodes[node]["bit_val"] truth_dict[plane_str].append(bool(1 - parity)) if sanity_check: print(ec.capitalize() + " error correction check --", truth_dict) all_surfaces = [truth_dict[i][0] for i in planes_to_check] ec_checks += [np.all(all_surfaces)] truth_dicts += [truth_dict] if sanity_check: return ec_checks, truth_dicts return ec_checks
[docs]def correct( code, decoder="MWPM", weight_options=None, sanity_check=False, decoder_opts=None, draw=False, drawing_opts=None, ): """Run through the qubit-level error-correction steps. Combines weight assignment and outer (qubit) decoding. The latter of these includes the creation of decoding objects, the decoding algorithm, the recovery, and the correctness check. Args: code (code): the code class to decode and correct decoder (str, optional): the qubit-level (outer) decoder. Options are: "MWPM": minimum-weight perfect matching (the default) "UF": Union-Find. weight_options (dict, optional): how to assign weights for the outer decoder; options are 'method': 'uniform' or 'blueprint' (latter for MWPM decoder) 'integer': True (for rounding) or False (for not) 'multiplier': integer denoting multiplicative factor before rounding Uniform weights by default. sanity_check (bool, optional): if True, check that the recovery operation has succeeded and verify that parity is conserved among all correlation surfaces decoder_opts (dict, optional): a dictionary of decoding options, including the backend ("networkx" or "rustworkx" for "MWPM") draw (bool, optional): set to True to illustrate the decoding procedure, including the stabilizer graph, syndrome plot, and recovery. drawing_opts (dict, optional): the drawing options to be fed into viz.draw_decoding (see that function for more details). Returns: result (bool): True if error correction succeded, False if not. """ if weight_options is None: weight_options = {} assign_weights(code, decoder, **weight_options) if decoder_opts is None: decoder_opts = {} default_decoder_opts = {"backend": "rustworkx", "draw": draw, "drawing_opts": drawing_opts} updated_decoder_opts = {**default_decoder_opts, **decoder_opts} decoder_dict = {"MWPM": mwpm_decoder, "UF": uf_decoder} decoder_func = decoder_dict[decoder] for ec in recovery_set = decoder_func(code, ec, **updated_decoder_opts) recovery(recovery_set, code, ec, sanity_check=sanity_check) result = check_correction(code, sanity_check=sanity_check) if sanity_check: return np.all(result[0]) return np.all(result)




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